“Dubliners” is a collection of fifteen short stories written by James Joyce in which the author analyses the failure of self-realisation of inhabitants of Dublin in biographical and in psychological ways. The novel was originally turned down by publishers because they considered it immoral for its portrait of the Irish city. Joyce treats in “Dubliners” the paralysis of will in four stages: childhood, youth, maturity and public life. The paralysis of will is the courage and self-knowledge that leads ordinary men and women to accept the limitations imposed by the social context they live in. In “Dubliners” the style is both realistic - to the degree of perfectly recreating characters and idioms of contemporary Dublin - and symbolic – giving the common object unforeseen depth and a new meaning in order to show a new view of reality. Joyce defines this effect “epiphany” which indicates that moment when a simple fact suddenly explodes with meaning and makes a person realise his / her condi...
The new ideas of freedom for the individual gave rise to the philosophy of economic liberalism. In the 18th century, economic liberalism took a new meaning: it meant free trade and unrestrained economic activity summed up in the expression “let do”. This concept was illustrated by Adam Smith in his work The wealth of nations . He said the basis of a nation’s wealth is the work of its population, which must be left free to act as it wishes. The Industrial Revolution took place in England from 1760 to 1840. It was a process of change from an handicraft economy to an industrial and manufacturing economy. In fact, the agricultural revolution was an essential prerequisite of the Industrial Revolution: with a remarkable increase in agricultural productivity and a growing availability of primary products, the labour force moved from agriculture to industry. Fundamental to the Industrial Revolution were some technical innovations: the use of new materials like iron and steel as a result of the...