“Dubliners” is a collection of fifteen short stories written by James Joyce in which the author analyses the failure of self-realisation of inhabitants of Dublin in biographical and in psychological ways. The novel was originally turned down by publishers because they considered it immoral for its portrait of the Irish city. Joyce treats in “Dubliners” the paralysis of will in four stages: childhood, youth, maturity and public life. The paralysis of will is the courage and self-knowledge that leads ordinary men and women to accept the limitations imposed by the social context they live in. In “Dubliners” the style is both realistic - to the degree of perfectly recreating characters and idioms of contemporary Dublin - and symbolic – giving the common object unforeseen depth and a new meaning in order to show a new view of reality. Joyce defines this effect “epiphany” which indicates that moment when a simple fact suddenly explodes with meaning and makes a person realise his / her condi...
Ciao a tutti!
Oggi pubblico in questo post un link che fa riferimento ad una presentazione in PowerPoint su uno dei maggiori pensatori del XIX secolo: Arthur Schopenhauer.
La presentazione tratta principalmente l'origine e il significato del pessimismo schopenhaueriano, un elemento cardine del pensiero del filosofo tedesco e al quale trarranno ispirazione i filosofi successivi come Sigmund Freud, Friedrich Nietzsche e, nel nostro panorama culturale, Giacomo Leopardi.
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